Computer User Support Specialist and Instructor 

Lessons are available for individuals seeking to improve their technical abilities. In person or online. You can use the format that suits you best.
Private - $100 per one hour session
Semi-private - $65 each per one hour session
Group - $50  per one hour session
  •  All sessions are tailored to address individual needs and help achieve your unique goals.
Training and support for beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
  • Microsoft Office suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Office 365
  • QuickBooks
  • Google apps
  • Internet
  • Email
  • Canva
  • PC, Mac, IPad, IPhone
  • Introduction to Coding
  • 3D modelling program

 Why learn code? Logical thinking skills, career opportunities

You don't have to be a programming student to benefit from coding.  The goal here is to introduce computer science and the fundamental knowledge of how lines of code create the digital world we live in. Learn terminology such as algorithms, programs, events, loops, debugging, functions & conditions. In addition to introducing the concept of coding and computer programming, Our goal is to influence the students to think and discover for themselves, and to sharpen their ability to troubleshoot and problem solve.

 3D printing is used to solve problems in a variety of industries including engineering, product design, technology, medical, architecture, and even entertainment. Some of our favorite examples include>>>>>>>>>>

3D Thinking and Spatial Intelligence

Success in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines are require strong spatial thinking, a skill necessary for creating 3D objects.  Students with a strong spatial orientation were more likely to be interested in and major in STEM disciplines. Creating 3D objects on a computer is likely to enhance such improvements and promote spatial understanding even further. This is good news for educators, because it shows that spatial thinking can be taught and improved through practice.

A Future Career Path

An additional benefit of 3D modeling knowledge is the career path it opens. Companies across the board have a need for 3D designers for a variety of projects including 3D animation or 3D graphic design and the demand is expected to continue growing. Furthermore, 3D design is a necessary precursor to the currently omnipresent technique of 3D printing. Rapid prototyping is used in nearly every industry to test designs before they go into production and can be applied to anything from a piece of furniture to a medical device.
